Break-dancing in the Olympics – 2019 NPR Article

Hasn’t been a lot of news lately about breaking in the Olympics, but back when it was announced in 2019 there were quite a few articles discussing the addition. This one hails from NPR, check it out.

Couple things to note; it does not mention how the competition will be judged, which is the most concerning part of the whole situation. Other important factors that I’m sure will come into play are, will Dj’s be able to play any music they want, and are competitors tested for PED or marijuana for that matter. We will updated as more information becomes available, and if you’d like to discuss, visit the forums HERE.

B-boy Orbitron (Circle of Fire), Won’t Stop

Most of the OG b-boys know of Orbitron from Circle of Fire. His upsidown style was incredibly fresh when he was battling in the early 2000s. Not a lot of people know he’s also an incredible emcee; doing a lot of work in the community to uplift the emcee scene, and also producing some fresh tracks. Check out his latest: “Won’t Stop”.

STANCE – Mental Fusion vs STO [finals]

As a US citizen, it still astounds me that there are places in the world that are still throwing jams. The United States has done such a piss poor job at handling the Coronavirus, there is a chance we will not be able to throw jams for another year, maybe longer. It’s extremely embarrassing and very humbling to know the US is crashing and burning when it comes to the situation.
On the other hand, we are glad that other areas of the world are doing well and the vibe continues to flow. Check out Mental Fusion vs STO at Invincible Breaking Summer Jam from several weeks ago:

Red Bull BC One Postpones 2020 World Finals

Red Bull BC One has officially cancelled it’s 2020 season due to the Corona Virus. Not really a surprise to anyone, but sad none the less. Statement from their website below:

Red Bull BC One, including the 2020 World Final and its qualifying events (Cyphers and Camps), is postponed to 2021. We look forward to serving the community once again in 2021 with an even bigger competition series, and we are excited to see the breaking community back on the Red Bull BC One stage. We will continue to provide breaking content and digital experiences on our Red Bull BC One channels, and we look forward to announcing plans for the future when these are in place then.